The simplest, and healthiest, thing you can do to maintain your weight, water retention, energy levels and pretty much everything positive associated with your physiology is by DRINKING ENOUGH WATER. Many people have the misconception of bloating if they increase water intake. Rubbish. On the contrary, if you drink enough water your body will release the Plan B fluid it holds under your skin, subcutaneous fluid, as it will realise it's lack of necessity due to proper hydration. So drink 30ml of water per kg in body weight, for organ health and function per day and add to that during training.
Note; being hydrated does not mean that your favourite past time will become emptying your bladder. Sip water and you will keep everything as per normal. However, should you drink sporadically then your bathroom visits will also become sporadic. Rumour has it, the way it goes in…is the way it goes out.
You can add lemon to flavour your water and make it a little easier to meet your water quota.
The benefits include:
1. Lemons are high in heart-healthy vitamin C and several beneficial plant compounds that may lower cholesterol.
2. Research shows that plant compounds in lemon extracts may help prevent or reduce weight gain in a number of ways. In one study, mice on a fattening diet were given lemon polyphenols extracted from the peel. They gained less weight and body fat than other mice.
3. Citric acid may help prevent kidney stones by increasing urine volume and increasing urine pH, creating a less favorable environment for kidney stone formation.
4. Lemons contain some iron, but they primarily prevent anemia by improving your absorption of iron from plant foods. Your gut absorbs iron from meat, chicken, and (known as heme iron) very easily, while iron from plant sources (non-heme iron) not as easily. However, this absorption can be improved by consuming vitamin C and citric acid. Because lemons contain both vitamin C and citric acid, they may protect against anemia by ensuring that you absorb as much iron as possible from your diet.
5. Some observational studies have found that people who eat the most citrus fruit have a lower risk of cancer, while other studies have found no effects. Some researchers think that plant compounds found in lemons — such as limonene and naringenin — could have anti cancer effects, but this hypothesis needs further investigation. Animal studies indicate that D-limonene, a compound found in lemon oil does have anticancer properties.
6. Soluble fiber can improve gut health and slow the digestion of sugars and starches. These effects may result in reduced blood sugar levels. However, to get the benefits of fiber from lemons, you need to eat the pulp.